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don't miss dairy

Emily Stokes
I'm a lady who loves cheese, sour cream, & ice cream, but I recently became lactose intolerant. My key focus in recreating dairy recipes is taste, but I try to be as health conscious as possible. Some of my recipes are low lactose rather than dairy free. I'm also a writer, teacher, nanny, dog mom, housewife, native Yinzer, current Californian, and social organizer extraordinaire.

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from

I have the best dog of all time.

After spending hours yesterday creating this amazing soup, I went to store it in the refrigerator and missed the shelf completely, letting go of the container so that it hit the floor and exploded everywhere.

An entire quart of chicken stock and turkey meatballs spilled in growing puddles all over the kitchen floor and all I could do was watch. My neighborhood was stunned into silence at the expletives issuing from my apartment. Even Eric and Mia, who witnessed the whole disaster, had no words.

My chicken loving Chihuahua stood there in shock, as the scent of warm chicken stock filled the air. Even minutes later, once all the shock was past, I was in tears, and Eric began consoling, Mia continued to stand there, just watching, being the best dog that there ever was.

It’s possible she could sense how sad her mommy was (though I doubt it). The more likely reason was the training we’ve just started helped her “stay” for the treat until she was given the command. Though, there was definitely some confusion and intuition there. I imagine what was going on in her little brain was something like: “Mom just went crazy over this chicken stuff, she’s really stressed out and I want to please her by being a good girl. I’m going to stay and then she’ll give me chicken.” She was so good that after I cleaned up the bulk of the mess, she got to clean up the rest.

Honestly this was one of my worst food fails ever. I could care less about spilt milk–I made each and every single one of those tiny turkey meatballs by hand. I drove to the store for the sole purpose of buying little star shaped noodles. And it was about 80 degrees in my kitchen.

It was such a stupid clumsy accident that I can really only blame it on the fact I had changed into my glasses very early this particular evening, as I was having irritation in one of my eyes. My glasses are a whole prescription higher than my contacts and I can’t see out of them nearly as well. I’ve been putting off buying new lenses for two years and I really need to get new ones. This was the last straw.

Poor mom. Poor meatball soup. It really was delicious! At least I was able to take a few pictures before it went on the floor. I even enjoyed a couple small bowls. I will definitely make it again, and I hope someone else will, too!

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs
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For the Meatballs
  1. 1/4 lb ground turkey
  2. 1 egg
  3. 1/3 cup breadcrumbs
  4. 1/3 cup parmesan cheese (or nondairy alternative)
  5. 1/8 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
  6. 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  7. 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
  8. 1/8 teaspoon Italian seasoning
For the Soup
  1. 2 cups unsalted chicken stock
  2. 1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
  3. 1 carrot, finely chopped
  4. 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  5. 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  6. 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  7. 1 cup fresh baby spinach, packed
  8. 1/4 cup tiny uncooked noodles
  9. fresh parsley, coarsely chopped
  1. To make the meatballs, combine turkey, egg, breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, parsley, salt and pepper, and Italian seasoning in a small bowl. Mix with your hands until all ingredients are well blended.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and spray a medium size casserole dish with cooking oil. Using a tablespoon to scoop, shape mixture into bite size mini meatballs and place in casserole dish. They can be close together but not touching. Cook for 15 minutes.
  3. While meatballs are cooking, prepare your broth in the crock pot. Add chicken stock, onion, carrot, garlic powder, and salt and pepper. Save the greens and noodles for later.
  4. When the meatballs are done, add them to the chicken broth in the crock pot. Cook on high for two-three hours. During the last 10-15 minutes of cooking, add noodles and stir. Set a kitchen timer to help. When there are three minutes left, add the spinach and stir. Once the timer goes off, remove from heat. Serve topped with parmesan cheese and parsley. Don't spill.
don't miss dairy
Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from 

Crock Pot Italian Wedding Soup with Turkey Meatballs from

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese

A snack I am always missing at baseball games is nachos and cheese, piled high with jalapeños. It’s a serious craving.

I’ve been wanting to create this recipe for a while now, and it’s become one of my new favorite things. I thought it would be a long shot to recreate the taste of nacho cheese using non-dairy products, but I totally surprised myself. It was very simple.

The key is to use sweetened almond milk (without flavoring) and a soy cheese.

If you are looking for a good cheese to use, I really enjoy the soy cheddar from Milk Pail market in Los Altos, CA. This is what I can get locally. I love the taste, the only problem is that it doesn’t stretch or melt as well as other brands. Check out your local whole foods market or specialty food store to see if they make their own and give it a try! I also recommend Trader Joe’s Three Cheese Soy Blend and Daiya Cheddar Shreds, which are soy-free and probably the best for you.

Remember, don’t base your opinion on dairy-free cheese by what it tastes like out of the wrapping.

Cheese alternatives always taste better cooked and with other ingredients added–like hot sauce! This is great with chopped peppers added in, but I usually eat mine like stadium nachos: tortilla chips covered in cheese then piled with jalapeños.

There is no good picture of this because I was busy eating it and watching football.

I especially created this nacho cheese to accompany the first Pittsburgh Steelers preseason game. It was almost perfect, but only because the Stillers lost. They proceeded to lose each following preseason game as well, which is not a good sign for the upcoming season. So sad. At times like those, the only comforting part of the game is the food.

The Pittsburgh Pirates were still going strong for a while, but who knows? My husband and I were at AT&T Park to see the Pirates play the Giants last weekend and the Pirates also lost. That was a bummer.

The comforting thing there was not just the awesome stadium food, but that we were not the only Pirates fans! We met up with a few members of Eric’s family who were also at the game, and we saw some people with Pirates gear on. There were probably more in secret. I don’t blame them–it was Giants territory. Anyway, I hope to be making this nacho cheese for the Pirates World Series games. Let’s go bucs!

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese
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  1. 1 cup sweetened almond milk
  2. 1 cup shredded soy or vegan cheese
  3. 1 tsp hot sauce (I use Frank's)
  4. 1/4-1/2 cup pickled jalapeños, finely chopped*
  5. salt and pepper to taste**
  1. In a saucepan over medium low heat, bring the almond milk to a simmer.
  2. Add in shredded soy cheese, stirring frequently until melted. The last unmelted bits may require vigorous stirring for up to 10 minutes, but they will melt and the sauce will thicken considerably. Don't give up! If you are having trouble, try using a whisk.
  3. After all the soy cheese is melted add hot sauce, salt, and pepper if desired and to your taste. Remove nacho "cheese" from heat and add jalapeños the way you like them.
  1. *Amount of jalapeños depends on how much you like them and how hot you want your cheese sauce to be.
  2. **Amount of salt added will depend on the vegan cheese you use and how salty it is. Taste test before adding. Black pepper can be added according to your tastes.
don't miss dairy
Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese Dip Made with Almond Milk from

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese Dip Made with Almond Milk from

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese Dip Made with Almond Milk from

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese Dip Made with Almond Milk from
Did you try it out? Please let me know what type of cheese you used, how it turned out, and how you ate it!

Dairy-Free French Onion Dip

Dairy-Free French Onion Dip from

French onion dip was my favorite snack back in my dairy days. It was so creamy, delicious, and addicting with potato chips and pretzels! Nowadays, eating regular sour cream is impossible, and the Lipton Onion Soup Mix is so high in sodium it’s not appropriate for a girl in her late 20s.

Here is a French onion dip I can live with. Using a mixture of Toffuti Better Than Sour Cream and mayonnaise, I can replicate the creamy taste of the sour cream chip dip. Remember, real egg mayonnaise has no dairy in it. Eggs come from chickens, milk comes from cows. So many people forget!

My recipe uses a blend of spices and fresh caramelized onions to create a more realistic taste than the Lipton’s Onion Soup mix.  The combination of olive oil and vegan butter (I used Smart Balance Light) adds a buttery flavor.

Top it with some fresh chives and you have a pretty and delectable onion chip dip that’s perfect for parties or for enjoyment at home as a late night snack.

This recipe was inspired by Elise’s Caramelized Onion Dip from Simply Recipes.

Dairy-Free French Onion Dip
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  1. 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  2. 1 tablespoon vegan butter
  3. 2 onions, chopped
  4. 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
  5. 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  6. 1 teaspoon white sugar
  7. 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
  8. 1 cup Toffuti Better Than Sour Cream
  9. 1/2 cup egg mayonnaise
  10. 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  11. 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
  12. 1 tablespoon fresh chives, diced
  1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, add oil, onions, vegan butter, and salt. Cook for 10-15 minutes, until onions are tender and start to become translucent.
  2. Add pepper, white sugar, and balsamic vinegar. Turn the heat to low and cook for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onions are caramelized. Turn off heat and allow to cool before adding to remaining ingredients.
  3. In a medium size bowl, mix Toffuti Better Than Sour Cream, mayonnaise, garlic powder, and Worcestershire Sauce.
  4. Stir caramelized onions into sour cream and mayonnaise mixture, then chill for at least two hours. If you prefer a smoother texture, refine dip in food processor first. Chilling overnight will give the best flavor. Before serving, top with fresh chives.
Adapted from Caramelized Onion Dip
don't miss dairy
Dairy-Free French Onion Dip from

 Dairy-Free French Onion Dip from

Dairy-Free French Onion Dip from 
Dairy-Free French Onion Dip from